Sunday, May 2, 2010
Problem of International Unity - Updated
The Problem of International Unity and the Distribution of the world's riches
In the 1970’s when the Apollo astronauts journeyed to the moon and back, one of the many gifts they brought us were photos of the Earth from space. The images showed our home world as it is – without borders and separation between the land and the waters, a place for all the myriad life forms to live in harmony. The metaphor can be extended that our Earth itself is already working at unity consciousness but that we as humanity are just waking up to this potential to work in cooperation with it. It is humans that create barriers and defined borders which represent the thoughtform of separation.
For thousands of years, wherever humans have journeyed, they have claimed the land, waters and riches of the Earth for themselves. This was done with a mindset and worldview that the Earth belonged to the “separate” individual, family, tribe or nation. There was no regard or consideration that the very Earth we live on, with all its riches and abundant resources, could be shared with their fellow humans.
Here in the 21st century, with the current political and economic systems, all of the world’s resources are controlled by wealthy individuals, corporations and nations. They control and distribute these resources according to various laws, tariffs and regulations setup between nations and sell them according to whomever will pay the asking price. The issue around control of resources is not connected with the type of governmental system or of a particular industry per se, the problem lies with the fact that the resources, such as fresh water and decent land for growing are not shared with everyone, especially with those who can really use it, but can’t afford it. Although the people controlling these resources, know exactly what is available for those in need for worldwide use, these assets are controlled and used as something for negotiation instead of freely sharing it. With the knowledge that these resources are essential for daily living of the average person in all nations, those who have a wealth of resources within their borders are not owners but are custodians of these riches and should hold them in trust for their fellowmen. For it is through service, giving and sharing that fosters an attitude of cooperation and goodwill. When these higher values are applied, conflict and separatism are negated.
Where there is an uneven distribution of the natural resources, such as through hoarding and greed or depletion, a situation ensues in which there is an unsettling tension, that breeds disease and conflict. When there is freedom from want, one of the major causes of war will disappear. As a result, a stability between nations will follow and the potential for building world unity and peace will be established. Until the Western nations, who control a large percentage of the world’s resources, in collaboration with the developing nations, have solved the economic problem and have realized that the resources of the earth belong to no one nation but to humanity as a whole, there will be no peace. It is in the interests of all nations, as a matter of international security to distribute the world’s resources in a fair and impartial manner.
The Monied Interests and the Dark Center
Looking back literally thousands of years, humanity has moved from an agrarian to a post-industrial mode of living where materialism has become king and the allure for consumer goods has been made the primary desire of everyone’s dreams. This great glamour and love of the form nature is being countered by the “Hierarchy [who] is working at this time to bring about the fecundation of the race by the cosmic principle of love, so that love and intellect can proceed hand in hand and thus balance each other”. (EP II. p. 576) The Tibetan further describes that:
“….on the astral and mental planes centers exist which are called "dark centers" because the emphasis of their activity is upon the material aspect of manifestation and upon the activity of material substance; all energy is subordinated to purely selfish purpose. As I have before stated, the Forces of Light work with the soul, hidden in every form. They are concerned with group purposes and with the founding of the kingdom of God on earth. The dark forces work with the form side of expression and with the founding of a centre of control which will be theirs entirely and which will subdue all the living forms in all kingdoms to their peculiar
behests”. (Esoteric Psychology II., p. 576-577)
The new group of world servers (NGWS), which includes men and women of goodwill of all nations have made great strides “on the periphery” of humanity, by showing us that cooperation and “working out differences” is better than conflict and that sharing of the world’s resources, if done wisely is better than hoarding. While many people are talking about great potentials for humanity’s future, the real paradigm shift for change must happen at the core of the human soul. What will it take to change this? The dark forces of separatism and selfishness are thwarting efforts for bringing lasting change for preserving the environment, e.g. by having certain nations block a treaty to control greenhouse gases for political and economic reasons. Some of the early history of blocking positive change was in back in the 1970s, when the United States government missed a major opportunity for limiting pollution by the greatest industrial polluters in the country. Instead of applying controls and regulations that would have strongly curbed pollution from many industries such as automotive, trucking, coal processing, and agriculture, lobbyists from these very same industries put up blocks citing the hardships they would suffer as a result. In the end, their lobbyists won. This has since become a blow to the environmental movement and effected countries around the world. The effects of this decision are felt to this day in the halls of the US Congress. Looking at the larger picture, had the US strongly regulated industry by imposing pollution controls, this would have set the example for the coming decades that the US was serious about protecting the environment and many nations would have followed the lead of the United States. So now, over a generation later, the pollution in the world has become much worse, and the World still lacks a comprehensive treaty to limit greenhouse gases.
Other examples of the few effecting the greater whole are those individuals and groups blocking negotiations for peace between nations, such as seen in the Middle East. Another is the global arms industry where wealthy nations freely trade arms and weapons as just another commodity for subsistence. The effects of anything from hand guns, to rifles, to grenades to weapons of mass destruction, such as bio weapons and nuclear bomb components are being shipped and sold around the world daily. There is no accountability for what happens resulting from trading/selling arms to individuals and nations. The result is a world constantly living in tension and fear. Who will strike next and with what weapon is on the minds of hundreds of millions of people daily. These and many more are examples of great battles being waged on the astral and physical planes. It is the forces of darkness that seek to control humanity by fostering hatred, aggression and separativeness, whereas the Hierarchy counters by empowering the NGWS and the men and women of goodwill with the energies of love, selfless sharing and synthesis. They seek always to bring people together to resolve differences and see the larger picture.
Another major issue that is largely dismissed internationally is overpopulation and resource depletion. Both of these two issues are related. As the population increases, regardless of culture, then “extra” resources, such as food, housing, medical needs, fresh water and land needs become more in demand. This results inevitably in a depletion of resources and puts a greater price on goods and services that in turn makes things more expensive and scarce. The Tibetan said:
“….millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation. This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma. The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions. War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species.”
Education in the New Age page, p.135
Among the normal intercourse between nations and cultures, great efforts are being made by those of the diplomatic community, people from various industries and average men and women around the world acting as citizen-diplomats. Whereas we can say these people are the true peace makers, fundamental change at the core of humanity still hasn’t happened. Today the NGWS, the NGOs and groups at all levels of society in every nation, are showing a vision of right human relations which must become the standard for the future of humanity. These people and groups are exposing corruption and exploitation and they are enlightening the public on higher principles and values for the coming new age. Although the NGWS are working tirelessly around the world on behalf of the common man, “selfish opposition has rendered their work futile and the monied interests in many countries have negated their efforts”. The Tibetan states:
“The corrupt politics and the greedy ambitious planning of so many of the world's leading men has long been happening due to the fact that spiritually minded men and women have not assumed the leadership of the people. They have left the power in the wrong hands and permitted the selfish and the undesirable to lead.” Problems of Humanity p. 168
It is obvious that religious, governmental nor economic entities have had little interest in helping humanity progress from a materialistic consumer-based mentality to a system where resources are intelligently and wisely shared throughout the world. With the current and unspoken mentality: “we must support the economic interests or the corporations at all costs”, lobbyists from these industries are allowed to freely set legislation and dominate the political and economic agendas of our democratic nations. They are controlling the highest levels of government. Because the monied interests are so vocal and have vast sums of money to influence legislators through lobbyists, corruption has long since set in and democracy has been undermined.
The numerous economic organizations that control the world’s resources such as the World Economic Council and Forum, the G8, and the G24, must free themselves from fraudulent politics, capitalistic influence, devious scheming and make the resources of the earth free for the use of all humanity. An enlightened public opinion will make the decisions of the economic council practical and possible. Sharing and cooperation must be taught instead of greed and competition. This new education will require a major realignment in understanding and expressed cooperation. Their united voice will be heard on behalf of right human relations.
These “economic interests” may have the power but possess little vision and are not comprehending the power of evolutionary change that is sweeping the planet. For the progress of humanity, it is essential that the old ways, whether political, religious or economic give way to more progressive ideas, ideals and understanding. Looking at how humans have conducted their affairs with each other for thousands of years in these different areas, it is obvious they will not change easily unless outside forces or another entity proves even stronger. The problems that have been building for many years around the world’s changing climate and environmental pollution are likely to be that very entity and ironically, are causing nations to come together to solve the problem.
Climate Change
The problem of international unity is not just an issue of governments and industry being greedy and not sharing the world’s resources. The problem has now reached the point where these very entities may be undermined by radical changes in the climate. Already in many parts of the world, the climate is changing and dramatically effecting people lives, such as through famine, drought and flooding. The changes are significant enough, that unpredictable weather is making regions in Asia and Africa virtually unlivable. This leads to social unrest and threatens to destabilize governments. There is a consensus among many of the world’s scientists, that the Earth’s climate is going through some type of change and they are projecting for it to get much worse.
Over the last hundred or more years, man has contributed considerably to the increase of greenhouse gases. This is due mostly to industries and vehicles polluting the air by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. While it is still not clear yet whether man is the only cause or whether its because of a natural Earth cycle - or both, changes are nevertheless happening globally. In just the last 30 years alone there has been an upsurge of earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, glacier melt, etc. around the world. These are dramatic harbingers of change, which will severely impact people and communities around the world, and do not show any signs of abating.
Up to this point, many industries and governments around the world continue with a “business as usual” approach and do not seem to take seriously the effects that climate change and the destabilization it will cause in both governments and the world’s economy. On the other hand, there is an increasingly number of governments, both Western and from the developing nations that are awakening to the call and are pushing for tough regulations on industry to curb greenhouse emissions. Most of these countries are signatories to an international climate control treaty that would severely curtail greenhouse emissions and lessen man’s footprint on the environment over the coming decades. But this action is meeting with great resistance from the greatest polluting nations like the United States, India and China. They are unwilling to sign on to a treaty, knowing that to do so would mean big changes on how industry in their nations would operate, particularly the largest polluters.
Unless governments and industry leaders who are controlling the world’s resources and generating the most pollution come to an agreement, such as by signing on to a comprehensive international treaty to cut greenhouse emissions and change past capitalistic practices that demand resources to maintain our materialistic lifestyle, that within the next 25-50 years, the world’s economy will be severely impacted. Arguably, the issue of climate change alone could force industry and governments to form alliances and deal with the issues of overpopulation, resource depletion and free up the existing world’s resources to help those regions of the world most impacted. Through international cooperation and the sharing of resources, the effects of climate change can be minimized.
Sharing and fairly distributing the world’s resources is a concept and an ideal with practical application. If we change from a materialistic/competitive focus to a sharing of the world’s resources or transform the world from fossil-fuel based economies (which are damaging the environment) to using alternative energies, then humanity will have made positive steps for ensuring its survival for generations to come. With the understanding that the issues of overpopulation, resource depletion, corporate greed and climate change are causing great disharmony throughout humanity, the time to act and effect positive change is now.
However, at present no master plan exists or any definitive solution that would give the world immediate relief. To those who are spiritually minded, advocating cooperation, goodwill and sharing of the earth’s resources with all nations will go a long way for solving ameliorating these seemingly intractable problems. In many ways, humanity will be guided by the foresight of those individuals who clearly define the problems which face us. This is already happening in many countries by educating the public and government officials on the dangers that climate change poses and its effects on international unity and stability, or on the risks of allowing the capitalists and corporations of the world to set economic policy and further damage the ecology of the planet through over production. In other ways, humanity is learning the difficult lessons that leaders should have acted upon much sooner. Examples were cited earlier on the failure of not reigning in the corporate polluters. Another way for real change to happen, is for those leaders to come to power (who cannot be bought off by industry lobbyists) who are truly acting on behalf of the public and bring to light the concept that the sharing of the earth’s resources and curbing of pollution benefits all people and the environment in the long term. The Tibetan said:
“Only a keen realization of the situation and of the sources of the trouble will serve to impulse mankind to take the needed action. Unity, peace and security will come through the recognition—intelligently assessed—of the problems which have led to the present world situation, and then through the taking of those wise, compassionate and understanding steps which will lead to the establishing of right human relations, to the substitution of cooperation for the present competitive system, and by the education of the masses in every land as to the nature of true goodwill. “ Problems of Humanity p. 173
When the leaders of all nations awaken to the fact that non-action brings its own consequences, and begin to think and plan for the long term good of all humanity, they will realize how they can change the “business as usual” mentality. Unity, peace and security for all nations, both great and small, will not to be attained by following the guidance of the greedy capitalist in any nation. It will be leaders from all fields, including politicians and religious leaders and those from the fields of science that must also come to understand that the excesses of today and the squandering or depletion of the world’s resources by the selfish few, damaging the environment and fomenting war among neighbors through arms sales will have lasting repercussions on future generations. This lesson is being learned, albeit slowly.
But all is not gloomy. In helping to protect the environment, there are many visionary leaders in today’s world that are making a difference by bringing awareness to the dangers of non-action and helping to create a positive vision for international unity. Here are several people that are making a positive impact on world consciousness.
Former President Michael Gorbachev is one of the visionaries. While leader of the Soviet Union in the 1980’s he saw first hand how agriculture in his own country had destroyed millions of crop land with chemical pollutants. In 1986, he saw how radioactive pollution of Chernobyl damaged the environment and forced his nation to finally drop the secrecy of the disaster and tell the world what really happened there. This was part of his legacy of openness. After he left office, in the 1990’s he became an international recognized leader in ecology and protecting the environment. He used his prestige and experience to launch numerous initiatives, e.g. Green Cross International. This organization has become a worldwide environmental-protection body that looks at problems in the environment from climate change to chemical contamination. He also was one of the major sponsors of the Earth Charter.
Former Vice-President Al Gore, is a man who has been part of US politics since the 1970’s. During much of this time as US Senator, Vice President of the US and later as private citizen, he focused much of his energies on environmental issues. Gore is now the author of several books, mostly on the environment. His movie, “An Inconvenient Truth” won him an Oscar for best documentary and in 2007 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for work on the environment. In his most recent book “Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis”, he advocates using alternative energies, e.g. battery technology, wind power and solar technology (photovoltaics) to solve many of the problems of greenhouse emissions. Gore, through his background in politics, knows that it is lawmakers and business leaders in all countries who must come together and create a binding global climate treaty. In his new book, he astutely noted that it is the “…psychological barriers that keep most Americans from taking the threat of climate change seriously”. Al Gore continues working to bring people together internationally, talking about the issues that divide us on the environment and presenting viable solutions.
Michael Moore is a documentary film maker and political advocate. He has made several films, e.g. “Fahrenheit 9/11”, “Bowling for Columbine” and lately “Capitalism – A Love Story”. All of his films seek to expose corruption of the government and corporations and examine the issues that divide us. In a recent quote promoting his new movie and identifying an action plan everyone can participate in, he said about sharing resources and pollution:
“Save this fragile planet and declare that all the energy resources above and beneath the ground are owned collectively by all of us. ... We only have a few decades of oil left. The public must be the owners and landlords of the natural resources and energy that exists within our borders or we will descend further into corporate anarchy. And when it comes to burning fossil fuels to transport ourselves, we must cease using the internal combustion engine and instruct our auto/transportation companies to rehire our skilled workforce and build mass transit (clean buses, light rail, subways, bullet trains, etc.) and new cars that don't contribute to climate change....”.
Taking in consideration the ecological, political, social and economic problems, the majority of humanities problems will not be overcome unless we have leaders with vision and essentially untouchable from an ethical, political and economic point of view. Leaders that are Initiates, who can and will continue to make a difference but can even they really manifest the Plan alone? It seems that a number of initiates need to be simultaneously in key places, in key industries, all over the world to help influence (100th Monkey scenario) and make the difference for aiding the Masters in manifesting the Plan. It should be noted that initiates come in different types; those whom are conscious of the knowledge of their own abilities and the Plan and what they can do and those who have a strong understanding of the Plan and how to carry it out but are not necessarily conscious of themselves esoterically. This in itself may not matter too much. In the case of the work of the Initiates, its the successful working out of the Plan is all that really matters.
Through the steady, consistent and organized work of the NGWS, an understanding on these many issues for creating world unity and eventually the anchoring of the Plan on the Earth will be realized and brought about. These people stand for right human relations and educating of the public on the nature and power of goodwill. Their work on the side of human welfare will create such as force of public opinion that leaders, both corporate and governmental will eventually be forced to listen and comply. On an ongoing basis, the general public must be educated that internationalism, preserving all cultures, care for the environment and world unity, are based on goodwill, understanding and cooperative interdependence. This is a legacy and heritage we entrust to all the generations to come.
In the 1970’s when the Apollo astronauts journeyed to the moon and back, one of the many gifts they brought us were photos of the Earth from space. The images showed our home world as it is – without borders and separation between the land and the waters, a place for all the myriad life forms to live in harmony. The metaphor can be extended that our Earth itself is already working at unity consciousness but that we as humanity are just waking up to this potential to work in cooperation with it. It is humans that create barriers and defined borders which represent the thoughtform of separation.
For thousands of years, wherever humans have journeyed, they have claimed the land, waters and riches of the Earth for themselves. This was done with a mindset and worldview that the Earth belonged to the “separate” individual, family, tribe or nation. There was no regard or consideration that the very Earth we live on, with all its riches and abundant resources, could be shared with their fellow humans.
Here in the 21st century, with the current political and economic systems, all of the world’s resources are controlled by wealthy individuals, corporations and nations. They control and distribute these resources according to various laws, tariffs and regulations setup between nations and sell them according to whomever will pay the asking price. The issue around control of resources is not connected with the type of governmental system or of a particular industry per se, the problem lies with the fact that the resources, such as fresh water and decent land for growing are not shared with everyone, especially with those who can really use it, but can’t afford it. Although the people controlling these resources, know exactly what is available for those in need for worldwide use, these assets are controlled and used as something for negotiation instead of freely sharing it. With the knowledge that these resources are essential for daily living of the average person in all nations, those who have a wealth of resources within their borders are not owners but are custodians of these riches and should hold them in trust for their fellowmen. For it is through service, giving and sharing that fosters an attitude of cooperation and goodwill. When these higher values are applied, conflict and separatism are negated.
Where there is an uneven distribution of the natural resources, such as through hoarding and greed or depletion, a situation ensues in which there is an unsettling tension, that breeds disease and conflict. When there is freedom from want, one of the major causes of war will disappear. As a result, a stability between nations will follow and the potential for building world unity and peace will be established. Until the Western nations, who control a large percentage of the world’s resources, in collaboration with the developing nations, have solved the economic problem and have realized that the resources of the earth belong to no one nation but to humanity as a whole, there will be no peace. It is in the interests of all nations, as a matter of international security to distribute the world’s resources in a fair and impartial manner.
The Monied Interests and the Dark Center
Looking back literally thousands of years, humanity has moved from an agrarian to a post-industrial mode of living where materialism has become king and the allure for consumer goods has been made the primary desire of everyone’s dreams. This great glamour and love of the form nature is being countered by the “Hierarchy [who] is working at this time to bring about the fecundation of the race by the cosmic principle of love, so that love and intellect can proceed hand in hand and thus balance each other”. (EP II. p. 576) The Tibetan further describes that:
“….on the astral and mental planes centers exist which are called "dark centers" because the emphasis of their activity is upon the material aspect of manifestation and upon the activity of material substance; all energy is subordinated to purely selfish purpose. As I have before stated, the Forces of Light work with the soul, hidden in every form. They are concerned with group purposes and with the founding of the kingdom of God on earth. The dark forces work with the form side of expression and with the founding of a centre of control which will be theirs entirely and which will subdue all the living forms in all kingdoms to their peculiar
behests”. (Esoteric Psychology II., p. 576-577)
The new group of world servers (NGWS), which includes men and women of goodwill of all nations have made great strides “on the periphery” of humanity, by showing us that cooperation and “working out differences” is better than conflict and that sharing of the world’s resources, if done wisely is better than hoarding. While many people are talking about great potentials for humanity’s future, the real paradigm shift for change must happen at the core of the human soul. What will it take to change this? The dark forces of separatism and selfishness are thwarting efforts for bringing lasting change for preserving the environment, e.g. by having certain nations block a treaty to control greenhouse gases for political and economic reasons. Some of the early history of blocking positive change was in back in the 1970s, when the United States government missed a major opportunity for limiting pollution by the greatest industrial polluters in the country. Instead of applying controls and regulations that would have strongly curbed pollution from many industries such as automotive, trucking, coal processing, and agriculture, lobbyists from these very same industries put up blocks citing the hardships they would suffer as a result. In the end, their lobbyists won. This has since become a blow to the environmental movement and effected countries around the world. The effects of this decision are felt to this day in the halls of the US Congress. Looking at the larger picture, had the US strongly regulated industry by imposing pollution controls, this would have set the example for the coming decades that the US was serious about protecting the environment and many nations would have followed the lead of the United States. So now, over a generation later, the pollution in the world has become much worse, and the World still lacks a comprehensive treaty to limit greenhouse gases.
Other examples of the few effecting the greater whole are those individuals and groups blocking negotiations for peace between nations, such as seen in the Middle East. Another is the global arms industry where wealthy nations freely trade arms and weapons as just another commodity for subsistence. The effects of anything from hand guns, to rifles, to grenades to weapons of mass destruction, such as bio weapons and nuclear bomb components are being shipped and sold around the world daily. There is no accountability for what happens resulting from trading/selling arms to individuals and nations. The result is a world constantly living in tension and fear. Who will strike next and with what weapon is on the minds of hundreds of millions of people daily. These and many more are examples of great battles being waged on the astral and physical planes. It is the forces of darkness that seek to control humanity by fostering hatred, aggression and separativeness, whereas the Hierarchy counters by empowering the NGWS and the men and women of goodwill with the energies of love, selfless sharing and synthesis. They seek always to bring people together to resolve differences and see the larger picture.
Another major issue that is largely dismissed internationally is overpopulation and resource depletion. Both of these two issues are related. As the population increases, regardless of culture, then “extra” resources, such as food, housing, medical needs, fresh water and land needs become more in demand. This results inevitably in a depletion of resources and puts a greater price on goods and services that in turn makes things more expensive and scarce. The Tibetan said:
“….millions of souls have been brought into incarnation who were never intended at this time to incarnate and achieve exoteric manifestation. This fact is largely responsible for much of the present economic distress and for the modern planetary dilemma. The economic situation and the necessity to provide for the unduly large population of the planet lies behind much of the aggression and greed of the nations down the ages, and for the effort being made today as never before to provide better and more adequate living conditions. War has consequently been the inevitable result of this undue and unlimited propagation of the human species.”
Education in the New Age page, p.135
Among the normal intercourse between nations and cultures, great efforts are being made by those of the diplomatic community, people from various industries and average men and women around the world acting as citizen-diplomats. Whereas we can say these people are the true peace makers, fundamental change at the core of humanity still hasn’t happened. Today the NGWS, the NGOs and groups at all levels of society in every nation, are showing a vision of right human relations which must become the standard for the future of humanity. These people and groups are exposing corruption and exploitation and they are enlightening the public on higher principles and values for the coming new age. Although the NGWS are working tirelessly around the world on behalf of the common man, “selfish opposition has rendered their work futile and the monied interests in many countries have negated their efforts”. The Tibetan states:
“The corrupt politics and the greedy ambitious planning of so many of the world's leading men has long been happening due to the fact that spiritually minded men and women have not assumed the leadership of the people. They have left the power in the wrong hands and permitted the selfish and the undesirable to lead.” Problems of Humanity p. 168
It is obvious that religious, governmental nor economic entities have had little interest in helping humanity progress from a materialistic consumer-based mentality to a system where resources are intelligently and wisely shared throughout the world. With the current and unspoken mentality: “we must support the economic interests or the corporations at all costs”, lobbyists from these industries are allowed to freely set legislation and dominate the political and economic agendas of our democratic nations. They are controlling the highest levels of government. Because the monied interests are so vocal and have vast sums of money to influence legislators through lobbyists, corruption has long since set in and democracy has been undermined.
The numerous economic organizations that control the world’s resources such as the World Economic Council and Forum, the G8, and the G24, must free themselves from fraudulent politics, capitalistic influence, devious scheming and make the resources of the earth free for the use of all humanity. An enlightened public opinion will make the decisions of the economic council practical and possible. Sharing and cooperation must be taught instead of greed and competition. This new education will require a major realignment in understanding and expressed cooperation. Their united voice will be heard on behalf of right human relations.
These “economic interests” may have the power but possess little vision and are not comprehending the power of evolutionary change that is sweeping the planet. For the progress of humanity, it is essential that the old ways, whether political, religious or economic give way to more progressive ideas, ideals and understanding. Looking at how humans have conducted their affairs with each other for thousands of years in these different areas, it is obvious they will not change easily unless outside forces or another entity proves even stronger. The problems that have been building for many years around the world’s changing climate and environmental pollution are likely to be that very entity and ironically, are causing nations to come together to solve the problem.
Climate Change
The problem of international unity is not just an issue of governments and industry being greedy and not sharing the world’s resources. The problem has now reached the point where these very entities may be undermined by radical changes in the climate. Already in many parts of the world, the climate is changing and dramatically effecting people lives, such as through famine, drought and flooding. The changes are significant enough, that unpredictable weather is making regions in Asia and Africa virtually unlivable. This leads to social unrest and threatens to destabilize governments. There is a consensus among many of the world’s scientists, that the Earth’s climate is going through some type of change and they are projecting for it to get much worse.
Over the last hundred or more years, man has contributed considerably to the increase of greenhouse gases. This is due mostly to industries and vehicles polluting the air by emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. While it is still not clear yet whether man is the only cause or whether its because of a natural Earth cycle - or both, changes are nevertheless happening globally. In just the last 30 years alone there has been an upsurge of earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, glacier melt, etc. around the world. These are dramatic harbingers of change, which will severely impact people and communities around the world, and do not show any signs of abating.
Up to this point, many industries and governments around the world continue with a “business as usual” approach and do not seem to take seriously the effects that climate change and the destabilization it will cause in both governments and the world’s economy. On the other hand, there is an increasingly number of governments, both Western and from the developing nations that are awakening to the call and are pushing for tough regulations on industry to curb greenhouse emissions. Most of these countries are signatories to an international climate control treaty that would severely curtail greenhouse emissions and lessen man’s footprint on the environment over the coming decades. But this action is meeting with great resistance from the greatest polluting nations like the United States, India and China. They are unwilling to sign on to a treaty, knowing that to do so would mean big changes on how industry in their nations would operate, particularly the largest polluters.
Unless governments and industry leaders who are controlling the world’s resources and generating the most pollution come to an agreement, such as by signing on to a comprehensive international treaty to cut greenhouse emissions and change past capitalistic practices that demand resources to maintain our materialistic lifestyle, that within the next 25-50 years, the world’s economy will be severely impacted. Arguably, the issue of climate change alone could force industry and governments to form alliances and deal with the issues of overpopulation, resource depletion and free up the existing world’s resources to help those regions of the world most impacted. Through international cooperation and the sharing of resources, the effects of climate change can be minimized.
Sharing and fairly distributing the world’s resources is a concept and an ideal with practical application. If we change from a materialistic/competitive focus to a sharing of the world’s resources or transform the world from fossil-fuel based economies (which are damaging the environment) to using alternative energies, then humanity will have made positive steps for ensuring its survival for generations to come. With the understanding that the issues of overpopulation, resource depletion, corporate greed and climate change are causing great disharmony throughout humanity, the time to act and effect positive change is now.
However, at present no master plan exists or any definitive solution that would give the world immediate relief. To those who are spiritually minded, advocating cooperation, goodwill and sharing of the earth’s resources with all nations will go a long way for solving ameliorating these seemingly intractable problems. In many ways, humanity will be guided by the foresight of those individuals who clearly define the problems which face us. This is already happening in many countries by educating the public and government officials on the dangers that climate change poses and its effects on international unity and stability, or on the risks of allowing the capitalists and corporations of the world to set economic policy and further damage the ecology of the planet through over production. In other ways, humanity is learning the difficult lessons that leaders should have acted upon much sooner. Examples were cited earlier on the failure of not reigning in the corporate polluters. Another way for real change to happen, is for those leaders to come to power (who cannot be bought off by industry lobbyists) who are truly acting on behalf of the public and bring to light the concept that the sharing of the earth’s resources and curbing of pollution benefits all people and the environment in the long term. The Tibetan said:
“Only a keen realization of the situation and of the sources of the trouble will serve to impulse mankind to take the needed action. Unity, peace and security will come through the recognition—intelligently assessed—of the problems which have led to the present world situation, and then through the taking of those wise, compassionate and understanding steps which will lead to the establishing of right human relations, to the substitution of cooperation for the present competitive system, and by the education of the masses in every land as to the nature of true goodwill. “ Problems of Humanity p. 173
When the leaders of all nations awaken to the fact that non-action brings its own consequences, and begin to think and plan for the long term good of all humanity, they will realize how they can change the “business as usual” mentality. Unity, peace and security for all nations, both great and small, will not to be attained by following the guidance of the greedy capitalist in any nation. It will be leaders from all fields, including politicians and religious leaders and those from the fields of science that must also come to understand that the excesses of today and the squandering or depletion of the world’s resources by the selfish few, damaging the environment and fomenting war among neighbors through arms sales will have lasting repercussions on future generations. This lesson is being learned, albeit slowly.
But all is not gloomy. In helping to protect the environment, there are many visionary leaders in today’s world that are making a difference by bringing awareness to the dangers of non-action and helping to create a positive vision for international unity. Here are several people that are making a positive impact on world consciousness.
Former President Michael Gorbachev is one of the visionaries. While leader of the Soviet Union in the 1980’s he saw first hand how agriculture in his own country had destroyed millions of crop land with chemical pollutants. In 1986, he saw how radioactive pollution of Chernobyl damaged the environment and forced his nation to finally drop the secrecy of the disaster and tell the world what really happened there. This was part of his legacy of openness. After he left office, in the 1990’s he became an international recognized leader in ecology and protecting the environment. He used his prestige and experience to launch numerous initiatives, e.g. Green Cross International. This organization has become a worldwide environmental-protection body that looks at problems in the environment from climate change to chemical contamination. He also was one of the major sponsors of the Earth Charter.
Former Vice-President Al Gore, is a man who has been part of US politics since the 1970’s. During much of this time as US Senator, Vice President of the US and later as private citizen, he focused much of his energies on environmental issues. Gore is now the author of several books, mostly on the environment. His movie, “An Inconvenient Truth” won him an Oscar for best documentary and in 2007 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for work on the environment. In his most recent book “Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis”, he advocates using alternative energies, e.g. battery technology, wind power and solar technology (photovoltaics) to solve many of the problems of greenhouse emissions. Gore, through his background in politics, knows that it is lawmakers and business leaders in all countries who must come together and create a binding global climate treaty. In his new book, he astutely noted that it is the “…psychological barriers that keep most Americans from taking the threat of climate change seriously”. Al Gore continues working to bring people together internationally, talking about the issues that divide us on the environment and presenting viable solutions.
Michael Moore is a documentary film maker and political advocate. He has made several films, e.g. “Fahrenheit 9/11”, “Bowling for Columbine” and lately “Capitalism – A Love Story”. All of his films seek to expose corruption of the government and corporations and examine the issues that divide us. In a recent quote promoting his new movie and identifying an action plan everyone can participate in, he said about sharing resources and pollution:
“Save this fragile planet and declare that all the energy resources above and beneath the ground are owned collectively by all of us. ... We only have a few decades of oil left. The public must be the owners and landlords of the natural resources and energy that exists within our borders or we will descend further into corporate anarchy. And when it comes to burning fossil fuels to transport ourselves, we must cease using the internal combustion engine and instruct our auto/transportation companies to rehire our skilled workforce and build mass transit (clean buses, light rail, subways, bullet trains, etc.) and new cars that don't contribute to climate change....”.
Taking in consideration the ecological, political, social and economic problems, the majority of humanities problems will not be overcome unless we have leaders with vision and essentially untouchable from an ethical, political and economic point of view. Leaders that are Initiates, who can and will continue to make a difference but can even they really manifest the Plan alone? It seems that a number of initiates need to be simultaneously in key places, in key industries, all over the world to help influence (100th Monkey scenario) and make the difference for aiding the Masters in manifesting the Plan. It should be noted that initiates come in different types; those whom are conscious of the knowledge of their own abilities and the Plan and what they can do and those who have a strong understanding of the Plan and how to carry it out but are not necessarily conscious of themselves esoterically. This in itself may not matter too much. In the case of the work of the Initiates, its the successful working out of the Plan is all that really matters.
Through the steady, consistent and organized work of the NGWS, an understanding on these many issues for creating world unity and eventually the anchoring of the Plan on the Earth will be realized and brought about. These people stand for right human relations and educating of the public on the nature and power of goodwill. Their work on the side of human welfare will create such as force of public opinion that leaders, both corporate and governmental will eventually be forced to listen and comply. On an ongoing basis, the general public must be educated that internationalism, preserving all cultures, care for the environment and world unity, are based on goodwill, understanding and cooperative interdependence. This is a legacy and heritage we entrust to all the generations to come.
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1 comment:
This is a very well formulated analysis of the world problems as well as a profound proposition of necessary and possible solutions. This blog needs and deserves to be distributed as often as possible. Many thanks!
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